A Guide to IT Software Outsourcing Trends in 2024
With the global economy at a potential crossroads, and warnings that there is now a 46.11 % probability of the United States slipping back into recession by October 2024 this makes it all-the more remarkable to see how strong IT has been through so far in face of such major economic woes. Although the economic outlook has dipped since last month's expectations, software is poised for growth. Statista predicts that digital transformation investment will reach $ 3.4 trillion USD in 2026 alone. But difficulties including a talent gap, soaring developer costs and continuing disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are forcing companies to rethink their approach. Under this uncertain sky, software outsourcing becomes a survival necessity for firms who need to obtain talent and resources with one-third the cost. Surviving Economic Downturns through Software Outsourcing Looking back at history, after the 2008 global financial crisis some of America's largest companies overcome the...